Bar Impressions Mats

  • Minimum Text Height: Inside Safe Zone – 1/4"; Outside Safe Zone - 1/2” (includes lower case text)
  • Minimum Line Thickness: 1/16"

The text requirements are for general use; however, special fonts and very thin letter forms may need to be made larger or thicker and will be approached on a case-by-case basis.

Transparencies must be enlarged to scale, rasterized, and reduced to original scale within Illustrator (Object > Rasterize).

White backgrounds are not permitted.

Standard sizes available in:

  • 3.5” x 21” – Safe Zone: 2.5” x 12.375” | Center Mold Zone: 2.625” x 12.5”
  • 14” x 14” – Safe Zone: 7.75” x 7.75” | Center Mold Zone: 8” x 8”

Custom sizes are not available in this product.  In use of the design template, design according to the cut sizes listed above and NOT the bleed sizes.  

Designs only containing text should have the text placed within the “safe zone”; Designs spanning the entire mat size with centered text should also have the text adjusted to fit within the safe zone.

The “center mold zone” can be a different color than the background color if requested.