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Anti-Fatigue - Solid Color

Anti-Fatigue mats alleviate stress to the back and legs by providing a cushioned surface to stand on.

Anti-Fatigue mats are perfect for people who have to stand or work in the same place for continual periods of time.

Anti-Fatigue mats are recommended for a wide variety of industries and are commonly placed in various applications such as:

  • Production or assembly lines
  • Stand Up Desks or Workstations
  • Kitchens
  • Cashier Desks
  • Laboratories and many more

Anti-Fatigue mats have been shown to do the following:

  • REDUCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY UP TO 50% in the supporting muscles such as those in the leg and the lower back, when compared to standing on a hard floor
  • REDUCE FATIGUE by promoting subtle movement in the leg and calf muscles, resulting in increased blood and oxygen flow

Safety and Ergonomics Mats are used throughout facilities in numerous other capacities where safety is a must and anti-fatigue comfort is essential to the health and well being of employees.

  • Slip and falls are the second leading cause of all workplace injuries according to Liberty Mutual Workplace Index. As many as 25,000 people a day are victims of slip and fall accidents (NSC)
  • Compensation and medical costs associated with employee slip-and-fall accidents total approximately $70 billion annually (NSC)
  • The average cost of a slip and fall injury exceeds $12,000 (Wausau Insurance)
  • The average cost to defend a slip-and-fall lawsuit is $50,000 (NFSI)
  • Back injuries account for 25% of all worker compensation claims annually 
  • Cumulative Standing Trauma (CST) causes billions of dollars of loss annually due to reduced productivity, increased worker compensation, higher insurance rates, and absenteeism
  • According to the American College of Occupational and Environmental Science, about 38% of workers in the United States suffer from fatigue

Testing shows that ergonomic matting can reduce worker fatigue